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Plant-based and plant powered

Magħmul bis-saħħa u poter tal-pjanti

Pale purple background with faded leaf shapes. The picture contains ten small squares. The central square is white writing on a pink background and reads Natural Soap Scented. The other nine small squares are similar to a polaroid picture. They each contain pictures of soap bars displayed in different patterns. Each soap style is titled - Crown, 3rd Eye, Throat, Heart, Solar Plexus, Sacral, Root. The final image contains all soaps displayed in a tile formation. This image is titled Chakras.
Pale pink background with brown writing Natural Grip Soap Universal Inclusive Design Scented and Unscented. Six photos of products. Two larger images. First shows four soap bars sat on a tree trunk with wooden handles attached to the top of the soap bar. Second large image shows 15 hemp soap bars with a wooden loop handle attached to each bar. Smaller images show four grip soaps stacked on top of each other, a white hand holding a blue grip soap, a loop grip soap with a white and blue background, a yellow grip soap held by a white hand with a river, pebbles and tree branches in the background.
Pale purple background with faded leaf shapes. Image contains nine polaroid style pictures. Central image is pink background with white writing reads Natural Soap Unscented. Nine polaroid images contain photos of unscented soap bars. They are titled Aloe, Acai, Hemp, Turmeric, Super Greens, Lion's Mane, Charcoal and Maqui.
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